Monday, May 19, 2008

last wk in sg

Suddenly realised that i'm leaving sg in 2 days time..haha..when i first arrived here, i tot that it's a long long holiday in sg...but now, i'm leaving le...kinda she bu de liao...haha...

SMEs conference at suntec city

with mummy...the first half was quite boring...2nd half was okay

my fav cup noodle

with kandy, chengxuan and pengfei

with joline...i got the star..haha

i was little high..haha

gratz or? dunno how to spell..

the famous singapore tiger beer

the new bffs? haha

had indon food beside a 24hour clinic at parkway parade

mini class gathering at nydc...

aijia and the bf..who left his wallet at the pub...haha

jianwei and his

jianwei's fren and zeling's bf...haha...abit gay

with zeling...singing i forgot what song le...haha

with feijuan, aijia, zeling and jeanvyin at 6am.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Just feel like writing something...just anything.


新加坡的天气太太湿热了。如果没开车的话,化了个妆,从家里走到bus stop, 等到bus, 到了town后,妆就没那么好了,身体也粘粘的,不好受阿。哈哈。看到穿校服的中学生们,感觉他们和我差不多大,感觉我也是中学生,哈,感觉我的中学时代还历历在目,哈哈。不是骗人的,我还蛮想回到那个时候。


我们大家都长大了,有些事情应该成熟地处理。只能说一路走过来,所有所有的过错都能让我们知道未来自己要的是什么,知道自己的路应该怎么走。但是,从放下到学习里面的过错却需要一段时间。淡淡的一个'take care' 包含了我们现在对彼此的祝福。没有了激情,就连友情也奄奄一息。可能只有这样子才能完全结束。如果真的是如此,我不会再钻牛角尖了,反而会欣然接受。如果不是当初的经历过的事,我应该不知道怎么对待现在的他。现在的你如果看到了,should feel proud of me okay? coz i've changed for better? hopefully...haha...我这个不要脸的家伙。or you think that maybe the old me is better? and stop saying the old me look like leo!!! coz i don't!!! haha...我可以肯定地说,我真的变了,特别是对待我生命中的另一半。回想我以前的行为,和现在的比较,真的是天渊之别。okay, not so 夸张啦,but 有变化就对了。哈哈。这就是所谓的长大吧?

你你,就是你。还记得我们说过如果被绑架的时候要说的暗号么?哈哈,i'm sure we'll never forget that. 不要 buay song+sad+dunno what feelings okay? Even if u do, give me a call or sms and say our 暗号 and i'll understand. Or we shall think of different 暗号s to represent different situations. haha. okay i admit that i miss u quite alot...有时候,我还蛮怕我的介绍错了,然后让你受伤了。

还有你,现在四川40只熊猫下落不明,你离当国宝的目标越来越近咯,哈。Although i really hope they can find the rest of pandas..他们比较可爱!!! haha...pls pls find the pandas!!! hope that everything goes smooth and well for u...i really hope so...and dun steal steal go and do funny things ya (my friends warn me one)...even if u do, make sure i dun find out...haha...actually no leh, i think u better let me remember to praise me for the things i wrote in the previous paragraph hor...haha...okay i also got miss u...but i wanna scold u!!! coz u never help me move house but u are helping other ppl moving house now!!!!!!!! hmph!!!

我觉得一个人如果有梦想,有喜欢的东西,那就勇敢追求吧。最近一直被问到毕业后要干嘛,我真的不知道,真的。我已经被问到有点烦了。其实我是不知道自己可以干嘛。曾经,我有自己的梦想,但是自己的梦想被否定,觉得不好。所以,我放弃了梦想,选择并且接受了建议。因为没有了passion, 我的心没有放在里面。说真的,我真的不喜欢。还有一下下,我就快熬过来了。与其说我没有目标,没有方向,没有梦想,为什么不说这些东西我都很无奈地放弃了呢?在3年前就放弃了。现在的我只能再找寻自己的梦想,规划自己的目标。希望明年的今天这些问题会解决。


Tuesday, May 13, 2008



To: miss ann, wanna see hot guys go see these

ps: bibi said i shouldn't love them...alright then...i shall not...

Monday, May 12, 2008

3rd monday

Today is the 3rd monday of my stay in sg...haha...time flies...have been staying in sg for 2 weeks le.

@ harrys with aijia and limin

the 2 biggest fish in a super small pond at dempsey hill..haha

our present for mummy...cake baked by

mother's day hotpot at home

what is this for?!?!

live band performance-EIC

@timbre with jean vyin

Thursday, May 08, 2008

2nd week in sg

my 2nd week in sg....exactly 2 more weeks from leaving is down...cannot even on...haiz...can only use sis or mum's com now....miss ann, god will bless u de...haha




8th May is kantang's our 6th anniversary


D24 or XO D24? forgot le...

geylang durian store

gcx likes to bring me here for dinner...hahaha

for mummy's bday

long beach dempsey hill

b4 cutting hair

ah hua bak guk teh

fried baby sotong, balachan kangkong....

zz and chili crab

clarke quay jumbo with ruilong and aijia

my first pub first time to m.sultan too...i'm good girl

ok, i admit that i never seen this b4...haha